

Fulham Good Neighbours offers free services and whenever possible utilises volunteers to provide help. Whilst the degree of professionalism and capability will vary and may not necessarily be of a standard you might expect from a paid worker, all beneficiaries should expect to be treated politely and courteously at all times.


Stage 1 (informal)

Any complaint or grievance that you have should be brought to the attention of the relevant staff member. 


Stage 2 (formal)

If the matter is not resolved to your satisfaction, or if you cannot talk to the staff member who usually supports you, then you should ask the Director to resolve the issue. Your complaint should be made in writing whenever possible. It will be acknowledged and responded to in writing within 10 working days. 


Stage 3 (formal and final) 

If the matter is not resolved to your satisfaction, or if you cannot talk to the director, then you should write to the Chair of the Board of Trustees, c/o Fulham Good Neighbour Service, Rosaline Hall, London, SW6 7QT. Your complaint will be acknowledged and responded to in writing within 15 working days.